Gertie's Gossip 14

Who wouldn't have a big smile on their face when Wiggins Piggins has just moved into the pen next door...... Life just can't get any better.... So far I've acted casual and just called over the fence to borrow some hay and then a bit later on I called over to borrow some pellets ... you know so it wasn't too obvious! I did leave it about 20 minutes between visits.
He is such a dude! my little legs buckle every time I catch a glimpse of him..... Gertie Jnr said that was my weight rather than the "Wiggins effect" that was giving me gyp with the knees - but nothing can dampen my mood....
I mean he is so funny...... when I asked to borrow some pellets - he called back sure Miss Edith ..... do you want to borrow my shaving brush as well..... Isn't that really really funny........ I didn't get the joke but laughed loudly anyway..... I feel like a young sow again.....
Anyway down to business....... You came here for the gossip ....and you know I excel at gossip.
Intakes and Updates

Poor Dumpling is really ready to give birth at any minute.... she looks like a big ginger beach ball. Dumpling joined us on the 24th July with Ziggy, Mavis and her baby Scrappy. A slight mis-sex case - as the lady did think she had 3 boars. Dumpling is now in the maternity wing.....
Ziggy has settled really well and denying any responsibility....... reckons he has never seen Mavis or Dumpling before in his life.

Now our little Scrappy arrived at a day old in rescue and weighed in at just over 50g. We were not even sure he was going to make it (pauses for drama of situation) Today he weighed in at 133g and is doing really well. (Imagine how much he would weigh if he had 2 ears).
Mis-sex cases really have been a theme for us over the last few months - it is so sad to find so many unsuspecting new owners find themselves with mixed sex piggies when they thought they had the same sex guinea pigs. We now have a number of lady piggies in, who are all on maternity watch before they can be put up for adoption - which is sad for them and frustrating for us. We are hoping in most cases that they will be fine and no pregnancy will have occurred.
Currently we have on pregnancy watch Esther, Felicity, Madam Cholet, Mavis, Honey and ummm Dumpling! (who ate all the pies).
Just so you can keep on top of it - (we struggle some days) - we also have in rescue other than the pregnancy watch ladies - Bert and Teddy, Willow, Drake and Darwin, Stan and Pepe, Tucker, Skipper, Hetty & Ivy, Greta, Ziggy and Wiggins Piggins (sighs with adoration).
Re-homing News

The last few weeks have seen some fabulous homes for our piggies.... and yesterday was no exception - when our little Misty went off to set up home with Gilbert! Despite being half his size - Misty made it clear she was going to be wearing the trousers ...... and gentle giant Gilbert was happy to let his new wife take charge.

One of our more unusual bonds this month did see Archie come to Gertie's to have a boar date! He did eventually leave us with Hadrian ....... but it was touch and go as to if he actually preferred Karen's foot as a love match..... Who knew Guinea pigs loved tarts cheesy trotters?
July saw 10 piggies leave us to start life in their wonderful forever homes and we continue to get some great enquiries and have a few great homes in the pipeline just waiting to go. Thank goodness there are people out there who opt to adopt.
We are currently up to maximum in the rescue, and have a few piggies on our waiting list to come in. We of course continue to work to try and make this is a continual balancing act.
Other News
Give as you Live - £100
WOW........ We hit £100 raised on "give as you live" this week. THANK YOU SO MUCH for those who have courageously shopped to our benefit. (It does take a while to filter through to us) but in July we had our first credit into the bank of £20. With £80 still to come.
I really don't want to hassle on Give as you live but it is easy to do - and costs you nothing if you are an online shopper. Every penny raised really does make a difference to us. If you do want to know more or are happy to give it a go do get in touch with the Jackson Crew/Gertie's - If we send you a link as in inviting a friend we get a bonus £5 donation..... I must admit I think mam is a bit excited over give as you live .... but it is carrot cava for no effort.....
Photo competition
We will shortly be running a photo competition for inclusion in our calendar. It will be free to enter and fun...... so watch out for the announcements.
Great North Run
I am starting Karen's training for the Great North Run..... this involves me sitting in a back pack on Karen's back with a megaphone while we go out on training - Me shouting encouraging words..... Like - Faster...... pick up the pace porky - You need to really make an effort Kaz etc etc - She is doing great...... and we have every faith she may make it to the start line........
The Great Piggy Paddle
Wanda is continuing to swim the wall ....... and all of us here enjoy shouting "Wanda - BRING ON THE WALL" small things hey!
We are so grateful to Wanda for doing this for us and grateful for the very generous support this has generated.
You lot - really are amazing.
Anyway ....... I have not seen Wiggins for at least 10 minutes so must dash........he is bound to be missing me!
Miss Edith